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Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do • Cafe

Image of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaImage of 에이커 located at 47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
Profile image of architechu

I can't touch it, but I can feel it.

There are many things in 'things that cannot be reached but felt'. For example, 'parental love' is a case in point. Moreover, these are things that usually exist in my daily repetition. When I say this in line with the times, the phrase 'the days when I didn't wear a mask' seems to be an appropriate explanation. Unfortunately, these things are revealed through 'absence'. Ironically, the things that we thought were the most precious do not know how precious they are until they disappear. This is because they are all hidden in the unconscious. It can be expressed as a curtain of 'familiarity' created by the repetition of daily life. That's why I sometimes find precious things through the assumption of 'what if it disappeared?' In my daily life, I find things that are latent in my unconscious and I find myself by writing them down on the other side of my notebook.

There are things like that in space.

Things that are latent in the unconscious in space are really simple. As much as space is interpreted by subjectivity, there is 'memory of space'. Everyone has a 'space with a mood I like' that has been learned for a long time. For example, 'a sofa seat near a window where the sun shines on a sunny afternoon' or 'a bar table by the window where you can hear the sound of rain on a rainy day' will be different for each person. Others go here on a sunny day and there on a cloudy day to find a place they like. However, these are not hidden in the unconscious. Rather, 'a sense of space' is a clear substitution word. If you talk about this with space artists, you may degenerate it into a myth that does not exist like a fantasy animal, but exists only in the minds of members of society. But I would like to challenge that claim. What have we struggled with in the era of Corona?

Meeting people in a virtual world called 'Metaverse', communicating only with a computer or mobile phone keyboard, and experiencing the virtual space on the screen only with your eyes. It's easy to accept because it's just entertainment or something to be enjoyed in the workplace. If you say so, there will be a serious deficiency. It's called telecommuting, but we carry our laptops and go to work in a nicer environment. Isn't this a statement that clearly supports the above assumption? Real life must be real. As such, 'sense of space' is an important element that stimulates basic human desires in the unconscious.

Of course, the sense of space is difficult to describe in words. And you can't even touch it But it does exist.

It can be said that the quality of experience is divided through functional differences between living in a small cell in a prison and living in a beautiful, spacious and high house. However, it is a problem after reflecting the satisfaction that comes from the sense of space that humans feel. In the scene of the two spaces imagined while reading the sentence, we can already say our preference. These are several examples that prove the sense of space.

Therefore, when I see a space like this place where many things have been given up for a 'sense of space', I am anxious to convey this space to many people as soon as possible. Today, the space is a commercial space. 'Large bakery cafes' that are in vogue these days. Rather, it is only large, but as people end up using the same room structure in the same apartment, the richness of the sense of space sinks under the sea. Just because the similar senses of space that can be felt in the seats of a small coffee shop on the street are piled up layer by layer, it does not mean that the cake becomes a moist cake. Despite the fatal flaws that large commercial spaces do not provide in-depth and meticulous service, the reason many people are looking for is the 'sense of space' latent in this subconscious mind.

If you've seen it with your own eyes, you're like, 'What about in reality?' and will find

That experience is an important task that accumulates and builds up my taste. Today's space seems to have worked hard for it. I know that there are several types of spaces of this type nationwide. As a result of my visit, it seems to give the same experience, but it gives a slightly different experience depending on how you move people upstairs and what kind of scene you can show, and the proportion and scale of the space that the shape has. On the outside, this huge space is surrounded by crisp and colorful bricks, but on the inside, the structure of the space without anything boldly worn is revealed. It is impossible to reach the ceiling supported by structures far beyond the size of a human being. but it feels Cool. The space you see is terrifying. The scenery outside the space seen at sunset is also thrilling. There is also fun on each floor given by a different floor plan [PLAN: a drawing showing how to use space and a drawing of a fire escape route.] Also, the experience of connecting floors and floors is fun to enjoy while going upstairs and downstairs.

In the end, it becomes a story that we cannot say that the experiences are the same just because the spatial form is the same. It can be said that each space is different because the sense of space is floating in the unconscious. Therefore, my assertion that 'space is interpreted by subjectivity' is also valid. I introduce space by conveying the 'sense of space' that would be very painful if it was accompanied by an absence like 'parental love', which is still felt unreachable.

This is a place that cannot be reached but can be felt. It is a large bakery and cafe acre in Cheongju.

Location _ 47, Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

Business hours _ 10-23

full parking lot

The menu is attached.

PS. This space is being operated in accordance with the Corona quarantine guidelines, so please refer to it to avoid any inconvenience in using the space.

Space Detail
47 Yongpyeong-ro 113beon-gil, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, South KoreaCopy
Monday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
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