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Istanbul, Türkiye

Image of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeImage of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeImage of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeImage of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeImage of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeImage of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeImage of Balat located at Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, Türkiye
Profile image of mariann

I explored Balat and Fener in Istanbul and instantly fell in love with both neighborhoods! Upon arriving, I was mesmerized by the colorful buildings and this area can be argued as one of the most Instagrammable spots in Turkey. The Balat district is the former Jewish quarter of Istanbul and is very charming. The Fener district is home to several places of worship and contains many beautiful homes. There are photo opportunities in every corner so if you enjoy taking photos, then this is the place for you! There are also cute alleyways with shops, which resembles small villages. I would recommend coming early to roam around freely and admire all the buildings and colors ☺️

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Balat, 34087 Fatih/İstanbul, TürkiyeCopy