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Mount Norquay Lookout

Alberta, Canada β€’ Entertainment

Image of Mount Norquay Lookout located at Mt Norquay Scenic Dr, Banff, AB T0L, CanadaImage of Mount Norquay Lookout located at Mt Norquay Scenic Dr, Banff, AB T0L, CanadaImage of Mount Norquay Lookout located at Mt Norquay Scenic Dr, Banff, AB T0L, Canada
Profile image of dongchan____

A view that takes in Banff at a glance. Hello, the place I want to introduce this time is called the Norquay Lookout. On the opposite side of Banff downtown, there is Norquay Mountain, and there is a lookout observation deck on the way up the mountain. You can get there by car, but the roads are winding, so first-timers or those who are not confident in driving should be careful, especially in winter, as the roads can freeze over. You can search for Norquay Lookout on your navigation and there is space to park your car in front. Once you arrive, you can see the surrounding Rocky Mountains and Banff downtown all at a glance.

Space Detail
Mt Norquay Scenic Dr, Banff, AB T0L, CanadaCopy
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