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Collection of cherry blossom spots in Busan and Gimhae to enjoy spring

Image of Samick Beach Town Apartment
Profile image of dailyhyojooni

Samick Beach Town Apartment

Image of Samick Beach Town ApartmentImage of Samick Beach Town Apartment
Profile image of dailyhyojooni

This is the cherry blossom street in Namcheon-dong, Busan. As it's a very popular spot, I recommend visiting in the morning. Date of visit: March 25, 2023.

Gaya Land

Image of Gaya LandImage of Gaya Land
Profile image of dailyhyojooni

A space where you can capture beautiful photos with the wonderful cherry blossoms, spread out like a sky bicycle. πŸ“ 368 Inje-ro, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Gaya Land

Dakbatgol Mural Village

Image of Dakbatgol Mural VillageImage of Dakbatgol Mural Village
Profile image of dailyhyojooni

Dakbamgol Mural Village has many spots where you can take beautiful photos, not just the stairs in the picture. The sentimental atmosphere of the village goes so well with the cherry blossoms.

Gimhae National Museum

Image of Gimhae National MuseumImage of Gimhae National MuseumImage of Gimhae National Museum
Profile image of dailyhyojooni

There was a hidden cherry blossom spot on the walking path behind the National Gimhae Museum. A nice space for a light walk and taking photos with cherry blossoms.