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TOP 6 places that will make your heart flutter from the outside

Image of Oh La La Cafe & Bar
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Oh La La Cafe & Bar

Image of Oh La La Cafe & BarImage of Oh La La Cafe & Bar
Profile image of younggwangeee

If you want to go on a trip, but can't move due to Corona, you can feel more exotic here with warm tea ☕️


Image of 오월커피Image of 오월커피
Profile image of younggwangeee

It was a pity that I couldn't just buy coffee and enjoy it on the way home because there were no seats, but it was still a good place!

Coffee Nap Roasters Yeonnam

Image of Coffee Nap Roasters YeonnamImage of Coffee Nap Roasters YeonnamImage of Coffee Nap Roasters Yeonnam
Profile image of younggwangeee

When I go to Coffee Nap Roasters, where I can always go, I am the only one wondering whether to drink coffee or ade (?) 🙋🏻‍♂️


Image of DuungdungImage of DuungdungImage of DuungdungImage of DuungdungImage of DuungdungImage of DuungdungImage of Duungdung
Profile image of younggwangeee

Cute gelato shop ◡̈ I went on a cold day, but seeing the sunlight coming into the shop, it looks warm. Gelato restaurant! A place I want to visit often to read books ◡̈


Image of HawfinchImage of HawfinchImage of HawfinchImage of HawfinchImage of Hawfinch
Profile image of younggwangeee

A barista who used to be at Heavy Rotate made a new space of her own Newly opened hoppinches on the Gyeongui Line forest road ⠀ When I searched for the name, the shop's mark character is so cute, matching the name of hoppinchi, which has a cute name called Kongsae, and the stickers are cute. We did not bring it (?) ⠀ Plants placed here and there in a cute space This place seems to know what the owner likes without saying what he likes! ⠀ Coffee and desserts are sold at reasonable prices, and even the taste is good and the owner is kind. If it were near your home or work place, you would go to check-in every day ⠀ On a nice day like these days, it would be good to take out and take a walk along the Gyeongui Line forest path ⠀ They say they will prepare drip coffee after the opening period is over, so you should go out often to drink coffee :) ⠀


Image of FolkiImage of Folki
Profile image of younggwangeee